Israel agrees to daily four-hour ceasefires, the White House said

Israel agrees to daily four hour ceasefires the White House said

The US wants the post-war Gaza Strip under the Palestinian Authority of the West Bank.

The Israeli military is agreeing to begin daily four-hour ceasefires in northern Gaza to allow people in the area to flee the fighting, the White House said Thursday.

The first cease-fire is scheduled for today, Thursday.

representative of the US National Security Council of John Kirby ceasefires will be announced three hours in advance.

On the other hand, there seems to be no chance for a longer uniform ceasefire, at least in the next few days. When from the President of the United States From Joe Biden was asked about it, the answer was unequivocal.

– No, no chance, the president told reporters.

On the other hand, the sources of the news agency AFP said that Israeli and American intelligence agencies are holding discussions in Qatar about a “possible humanitarian pause” in Gaza. Among others, the head of the United States’ Central Intelligence Agency, the CIA, will be there Bill Burns and the head of Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency David Barnea.

In addition to the humanitarian pause, the talks have talked about releasing hostages and increasing humanitarian aid to Gaza.

In the city of Gaza, Israeli forces and fighters of the extremist organization Hamas engaged in fierce street battles on Thursday. The Israeli army said, among other things, that it had captured one of Hamas’ key bases at the end of ten hours of fighting. The army said it had killed dozens of Hamas fighters during the clash.

According to the army’s own announcement, 34 soldiers of the Israeli army have died during the Gaza war.

Hamas is preparing to release two hostages

The al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Hamas terrorist organization, announces that it is preparing to release two hostages.

According to the organization, the prisoners would be released for “humanitarian and health reasons”. They are a 77-year-old woman and a 13-year-old boy, he says British Broadcasting Corporation BBC.

The Islamic Jihad terrorist organization has published a video in which they perform.

According to the spokesperson of the Al-Quds Brigades, the measure can be implemented when “the necessary preparations have been made”.

“Gaza under the Palestinian Authority after the war”

United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said that after the war between Israel and Hamas, the Gaza Strip should be transferred to the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank.

Blinken made his comments at a meeting of foreign ministers in Tokyo, says The New York Times. According to Blinken, the post-war order in Gaza must take into account the “voices and wishes of the Palestinians” in order to achieve lasting peace.

– It must include the Palestinian-led administration and Gaza, which is connected to the West Bank under the Palestinian administration, Blinken said.

Blinken did not provide further details on how such an arrangement would be implemented in practice.

The extremist organization Hamas has ruled the Gaza Strip since 2007 after it drove the moderate Fatah movement out of the area. Fatah still leads the Palestinian Authority in the occupied West Bank.

According to the Ministry of Health of the Hamas-controlled area, more than 10,800 people have died in Israel’s attack on Gaza in just over a month. The figures could not be confirmed by an independent source.

According to the Israeli authorities, more than 1,400 people, mostly civilians, were killed in Hamas’s attack on Israel a month ago.
