Islamic Relief Helping Sarnia Food Bank Users During Ramadan

Ingredients Common in Traditional Muslim Cuisine Are Being Offered at Sarnia’s Inn of the Good Shepherd Food Bank During Ramadan.


The Initiative is Thanks to A $ 10,000 grant from Islamic Relief Canada, Said Inn Program Manager Adrienne McPhee.

Along with usual non-perishable items, such as cereals and pasta, offered at the John Street Food Bank, Shelves also will be stocked with itms such as halal chicken stock, pitted dates and a rose syrup called rooh afza, she Said.

“A lot of it is stuff that we traditionally don purchase at the food bank,” She Said, adding “Anybody who needs these items is welcoma to Enjoy them and Maybe Try Something New.”

Islamic Relief’s Alen Dantovic and Volunteers Ahmad El-Zein and Hanzala Subhani Were at the Food Bank Recently, preparing Hampers for Local Muslim Families.

The Food Helps Families in Need Not Worry About Where Their Meals Are Coming from During the Holy Month – This Year in March – When Obomers Fast Between Sunrise and Sunset, Dantovic Said.


It’s important to help, “But also to kind of Urselves as Muslims,” He Said, Adding Members “Sometimes Kind of Don’t Have the Best Reputation and Some People Don’t Necessary Put Us in the Best Light.”

He emphasized the food is available for Everyone.

Fundamentally, It’s about Giving, He Said. “That’s part of our religion. . . to always give. ”

Based on input from Local NewComer Agencies, 30 to 40 Hampers Were Being Assembled for Local Families in Need, Complete With Rice, Flour, Oil, Oats, Spices and Other Fare, McPhee Said.

“We don it usally do hampors,” she said, but opt ​​for the approach this time to provide for music families.

“We rely Want to make sure that Those Families have it, but there’s enough for Everybody,” McPhee Said, noting the grant funds Enough supplies to make 160 Hampers.

It’s hard to say if food-buying Practices at the Inn, Whose Food Bank Serves About 2,200 People in Month, Will Change After March, She Said.

“We’ll see,” McPhee Said. “We Always Try to Tailor What We’re Purchasing to What People Are News Taking off of the Shelves.”

There are similar programms at other food banks across canada and in london, where dantovic is based.

Expanding to Sarnia for the First Time is about Spreading Support, He Said.

“We want to show that anybody who needs a helping hand, we’re Willing to Extend that for them,” He Said.

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