ISEE 2025, government bonds and posts off the calculation: the decree in Gazzetta published

ISEE 2025 government bonds and posts off the calculation the

(Finance) – From next March 5, 2025 the new regulation on the indicator of the equivalent economic situation (ISEE), used to determine access to various subsidized social benefits. The decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 14 January 2025, n. 13, which introduces changes to the ISEE regulation was published yesterday in the Official Gazette. The modification has been necessary in implementation of the rule contained in the Budget law 2024 which provides for the exclusion from the calculation of the ISEE of Poliennial treasure vouchers (BTP) And Postal saving tools guaranteed by the Stateas postal fruits and postal savings books, up to a total maximum of 50 thousand euros. The now awaits the Change of the model for the DSU of the platform for pre -filled DSUthe single replacement declaration made available by INPS to the declarant for the release of the ISEE.

Since the deadline for presenting the ISEE (and avoiding receiving the Base allowance) is set at February 28, “the families who have BTP or the other titles-underlines Milano Finanza-will be forced to submit a second application. The ISEE issued before the entry into force of the new rules remain valid, without prejudice to the right to request a new certificate. But you can update the ISEE as soon as the decree is in force, that is, starting from March 5, and therefore the INPS will be required to carry out the counts on the basis of the new certificate for those who decide to present a new model “.

In the new regulation also Updates on how to calculate the income of the members of the family unitwith specific exclusions for the treatments perceived by reason of the condition of disability and the introduction of a deduction for families that reside in leasesup to a maximum of 7 thousand euros per year, increased by 500 euros for each child following the second.
