Isabelle Adjani: her secrets about her celibacy

Isabelle Adjani her secrets about her celibacy

ISABELLE AJANI. After having lived several romances with big names in the seventh art, Isabelle Adjani proudly claims her celibacy at 67 years old in the columns of Télé-Loisirs.

[Mis à jour le 7 novembre 2022 à 20h00] “I’m all alone and I’ve never been better.” At 67, Isabelle Adjani proudly claims her celibacy in the columns of Télé-Loisirs, she who has always maintained the mystery about her private life. After frequenting big names on the French and international scene (Daniel Day-Lewis, Jean-Michel Jarre, Warren Beatty,…), the quintuple Caesarized French actress is delighted with her “loneliness”: “I can do what I want, it’s great!”

Isabelle Adjani therefore favors her career over romantic relationships. The French actress is currently starring in the film Masquerade by Nicolas Bedos at the cinema, and embodies Diane de Poitiers in the mini-series of France 2 broadcast this Monday, November 7, 2022. She should soon be on the poster of The Great Odalisque in 2023, and is also announced for the cast of the first season of the series Belphegorwhose release date is not yet known.

Isabelle Yasmin Adjani was born in Paris in 1955 to a French father of Kabyle origin and a German mother of Bavarian origin. She grew up in an HLM in Gennevilliers. She was only 14 years old when she obtained a role in “Le Petit Bougnat” in 1970. The doors of theater and cinema were then wide open to her. Two years later, she entered the Comédie-Française, where she met other future stars of French cinema, such as Francis Huster, Jacques Weber and Isabelle Huppert. She then proved herself on the boards and then turned in “La Gifle” in 1974.

In 1975, Isabelle Adjani was nominated for the Césars and the Oscars for her performance in Adele H’s Story by Francois Truffaut. The actress thrives in various roles (Nosferatu ghost of the night in 1979, Deadly hike in 1983) and collaborated with prestigious filmmakers such as Roman Polanski, Werner Herzog, Claude Miller and Jean Becker. She won a César in 1982 for her role in Possession and in 1984 for his brilliant performance in The murderous summer.

Having become the darling of French cinema, Isabelle Adjani works with young directors such as Luc Besson (Subway in 1985) and won a César for Camille Claudel (1987) and Queen Margot (1993), in interpretations of two historical figures. At the end of the 1990s, following her breakup with Daniel Day-Lewis and the birth of her second son, the actress became rarer and only returned to the screens in 2002 where she triumphed in The Repentance.

In 2009, after another long absence, she returned with a bang in “The Day of the Skirt”, which allowed her to obtain her fifth César for Best Actress the following year. In 2010, she starred in “Mammuth” and lent her voice to the animated film “Rapunzel”. We find her in 2012 in “De force” and “David et Madame Hansen” byAlexandre Astier. Subsequently, she participated in the Bollywood film Ishkq in Paris (2013) before joining the cast of the choral film Under girls’ skirts (2014). Thereafter, Isabelle Adjani diversifies even more: we see her in the social thriller Carol Matthew (2016), she embodies her own role with humor in Ten percent (2017) before playing under the direction of Romain Gavras in The world is yours (2018). In parallel with her career in the cinema, Isabelle Adjani makes several remarkable returns on the boards.

Isabelle Adjani has always kept her private life very secret. This did not prevent him from hanging out with other big names in cinema and theater, attracting the attention of the tabloids. In the 1970s, she frequented Andre Dussollier then Francis Huster. She was then in a relationship with the director and chief operator Bruno Nuytten, whom she met on the set of the film. Baroquein 1976. Three years later, they gave birth to their son, Barnabé.

Subsequently, during the 1980s, Isabelle Adjani lived a two-year romance with American actor Warren Beatty, to whom she gave the reply in Ishtar. She then returned to France to shoot Camille Claudel. In 1989, during the English premiere of the film which earned her a César, she met the Irish actor Daniel Day-Lewis. A passion then began between the two actors, who ended up breaking up in 1995. A few months later, Isabelle Adjani gave birth to their son, Gabriel Kane-Lewis, and flew to Switzerland to raise him.

Isabelle Adjani was also in a relationship with musician Jean-Michel Jarre from 2002 to 2004. However, she discovers that he is cheating on her with the actress Anne Parillaud and then reveals to Paris-Match not only his infidelity, but also their breakup. She then frequented the neurosurgeon Stéphane Delajoux. They break up in 2009. Since then, Isabelle Adjani proudly claims her “loneliness” and her celibacy.
