Isabella Resmark about the meeting with the girlfriend after Robinson

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

It’s finals week in Robinson and already during the week’s first competition, the one who goes out first has to leave – and the first to leave Robinson will be Isabella Resmark. “I’m free”, it sounds when she realizes that her Robinson adventure is over.

– All the gold in life comes and hugs me, I become spaghetti and cuddle myself out. I just felt, fuck this, Isabella tells TV4 about the moment she threw herself into the water and was out of Robinson.

She describes the feeling she felt then.

– The kick when you go out is the closest you can get to taking heroin, without taking it. You are disappointed but at the same time so incredibly excited, it is impossible to explain.

This is how her emotional life was affected by Robinson

Recovering from Robinson went well for Isabella, physically at least.

– I have a pretty good body, I realized, I wouldn’t have died if I lived in the stone age, she says.

But it was different psychologically.

– When I met my girlfriend, I looked at her blankly and asked: “I love you but why don’t I feel anything?”, says Isabella and continues:

– I had problems getting my emotional life back after Robinson, I kind of became a psychopath for a month.

“Found a key in life which can seemingly be quite dark”

According to Isabella, there is nothing stupid about appearing in Robinson. After that, her life has changed for the better.

– I am absolutely most proud of the fact that I found a key in life, which can apparently be quite dark. Before I fumbled for a flashlight, now I have gained life experiences and really feel richer as a person. Everything became deeper and a little brighter, more clairvoyant. The tunnel finally got light in it, she says.

– Life feels fresh.

Would you do anything differently if you were to redo this adventure?

– I was a fucking toad when I got in there, I wish I had trained a little more. I can jump, I can move, but like to conserve my energy. But I ate ten kilos before, I really don’t regret that, she says.
