Is your phone battery almost empty and you don’t have time to fully charge it as usual? Use this very simple technique for a much faster charge.

Is your phone battery almost empty and you dont have

Is your phone battery almost empty and you don’t have time to fully charge it as usual? Use this very simple technique for a much faster charge.

Like any mobile device that runs on batteries, a smartphone needs to be recharged regularly. Of course, the frequency of this “trip to the pump” varies depending on its use and the capacity of its battery. The same goes for the duration of the recharge, which also depends on the size of the battery and the charger used. With a fast charger and a compatible phone, 30 or 40 minutes can be enough. But not everyone has this type of model, and, very often, it takes two hours or more for a full charge.

However, in some situations, you don’t have time to wait for a classic recharge. This is the case, for example, if you forgot to put your phone on charge before going to bed, and you find your battery almost empty when you wake up. This is where you should apply a few simple tips to speed up the process and save precious time.

First, if you need to stay reachable by receiving calls and text messages while charging, close all open applications on your smartphone, and turn off mobile data, Wi-Fi and location (GPS). Indeed, many apps continue to run in the background, even when you are not actively using them, to sync, retrieve notifications or simply stay ready for use. This is particularly the case for social networks and navigation apps that constantly consume energy, slowing down the charging process.

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To go even faster, if you can do without communication, switch to airplane mode. This mode, which is often associated with air travel or times when you don’t want to be disturbed, deactivates all wireless connections on the device. However, these connections consume a lot of energy, even when you are not doing anything with your phone. In airplane mode, your phone no longer uses mobile network, Wi-Fi connection, Bluetooth and GPS. In a word, it rests, which allows its battery to recharge more quickly. And you save precious minutes on charging!

Finally, if you are really in a hurry and don’t need your phone right away, the best way to charge it quickly is to simply turn it off completely. By turning it off, you reduce its power consumption to zero. This is, by far, the most efficient technique to charge your smartphone quickly.

One last tip to optimize charging: use a charger plugged into a power outlet. Indeed, the USB ports on computers, cars or stand-alone batteries only deliver a small amount of current, which makes charging quite slow.
