Is warm weather redder on the map now than before?

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The color scale on the weather maps is there to make it easier for the viewer to understand how the temperature can be experienced, says meteorologist Henrik Reimer.

– Blue means colder weather and red warmer.

Relatively simple, but sometimes question marks still arise. How hot should it be for the map to show scarlet?

– Between 25 and 30 degrees it goes from orange to red. The scale extends to 50 degrees, but we have never had that in Sweden, says Henrik Reimer.

Ground temperature or warm air

He also emphasizes that you should be careful about what kind of map you look at. Some maps do not show ground temperature, but the air mass. Then the red color only means that it is hot air.

– But an air mass of 20 degrees can give a temperature of around 35 degrees in Sweden, says Henrik Reimer.

See the map pictures and hear Henrik Reimer tell more about the color scale in the clip above.
