Is this a new craze for top snooker? Kyren Wilson, who advanced to the World Cup final, revealed that he used hypnosis to help | Sport

Is this a new craze for top snooker Kyren Wilson

Mind control methods have been talked about in snooker for more than ten years. After Saturday, there will be plenty of new things to chew on in the field of the topic.

Made it to the World Snooker finals Kyren Wilson has been in his own bubble during the long World Cup tournament. The 32-year-old Englishman is known in sports circles for his mental strength, which earned Wilson the nickname The Warrior early in his career.

In this year’s WC tournament, however, Wilson has been even more cool than usual on the mental side. There has been no frustration on Wilson’s face after easy misses or bitter set losses – there have been enough of those as well. Where does his calmness come from?

– I started hypnotherapy just before the World Cup, Wilson said according to the British press after Saturday’s semi-final.

Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis in psychotherapy. Wilson said that he has worked with a hypnotherapist every day during the tournament by Chris O’Connor with. According to Wilson, the therapy sessions have helped him sleep better.

– We all have things that affect us at work every day. The treatment has helped me to detach myself from work. People often carry things in their minds that are pointless. If it is possible to eliminate the unnecessary, it makes snooker a hell of a lot easier. I’ve slept great during this tournament, thanks to him, Wilson thanked O’Connor, but did not elaborate on the treatment.

Out of the Stone Age

The only professional player in Finnish snooker history Robin Hull welcomes Wilson’s exit. The 49-year-old Hull had time to spend 30 years of professional life and see the evolution of the sport, where professionalism plays a key role.

Halfway through the last millennium, the sport experienced a strongly cornered period. The players focused on game technical matters and did not rely on coaching help outside of snooker.

– It’s pretty crazy when you think about how mentally brutal a game snooker is. In professional competitions, especially in a long World Cup tournament, matches are won precisely according to what happens between the ears, says Hull.

A big change happened in the 2010s. In 2011, the sport’s biggest superstar Ronnie O’Sullivan a sports psychiatrist applied by Steve Peters packed and got important tools for his mind control.

Prior to this, O’Sullivan had won 11 majors, including three world titles. Since then, O’Sullivan has become the most successful snooker player in history, with seven world titles and 16 other major victories on his CV.

– It’s pretty crazy to think that O’Sullivan had time to play at the extreme top level for 20 years. However, that time was marked by wild inequality, says Hull.

Not a new craze

In recent years, almost all the top names in the sport have sought stimulation for their game with the help of various cooperation patterns. However, according to Hull, Wilson’s hypnotherapy is a new opening.

– Utilizing this in snooker is completely new. I see it as a useful thing.

However, Hull estimates that hypnotherapy will not gain a significant foothold among snooker professionals in the next few years.

– Did Wilson open a can of worms? Probably on some level, but not much.

Kyren Wilson leads the snooker World Championship final after the first period 7–1. 18 wins are required for the world championship.
