Is there still a republican front?

French presidential election This is the culmination of the electoral

Today is April 21. In France, a date synonymous with the accession to the second round of the presidential election of a far-right candidate. It was for the first time, 20 years ago: Jean-Marie Le Pen facing Jacques Chirac. From the announcement of this poster, spontaneous demonstrations throughout France, headlines in the press the next day, most political parties in unison to stand up, to block the FN, to create a republican front.

20 years later, Marine Le Pen is for the second time in the decisive round of the presidential election. Is the Republican front still relevant? Or did it crack?

With our guests :

– Marc-Olivier Padisdirector of studies of the Think Tank Terra Nova

– Jean-Philippe Derosierconstitutionalist, professor of public law at the University of Lille, author of the Blog “ The constitution decoded »

-Nicolas Roussellierhistorian, lecturer at Sciences Po. Author of the book “The power to govern: executive power in France (19th – 21st centuries)»Gallimard.
