Is there an ideal age range for the egg freezing method?

Is there an ideal age range for the egg freezing

However, while the goal of becoming a mother is postponed, the biological clock continues to work; Fertility capacity is rapidly decreasing over the years! For this reason, many women all over the world and in our country resort to the ‘egg freezing’ method to guarantee their chance of becoming a mother.


Acıbadem Bakırköy Hospital Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Assoc. Dr. Cihan Kaya stated that thanks to the development of a new freezing technique called vitrification, very successful results have been obtained from the egg freezing method in recent years, and said, “Especially in the case of applying appropriate treatment protocols in experienced centers, egg freezing before the age of 35 will result in obtaining more and better quality eggs. will increase the success of the transaction by providing Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Assoc. Dr. Cihan Kaya answered the 8 most frequently asked questions about the egg freezing method; made important suggestions and warnings!

QUESTION: How is egg freezing done?

ANSWER: Thanks to the egg-developing hormone treatments applied in the egg freezing process, it is aimed to reproduce one or more eggs. After an average of 10-14 days of treatment, the matured eggs are collected under mild anesthesia and examined under a microscope. The suitable ones are subjected to the freezing process and stored in liquid nitrogen tanks. Egg collection takes a short time and patients can usually return to their daily work within 2-4 hours. When pregnancy is desired, these eggs are dissolved and combined with the appropriate sperm and an embryo can be obtained.


QUESTION: Who can benefit from egg freezing?

ANSWER: According to the legal regulations in our country; Egg freezing is recommended before treatment for patients who will receive treatment for cancer and who are at risk of losing their ovarian functions. Apart from this, it is also recommended for patients who will undergo ovarian cyst surgery due to endometriosis, which is popularly known as chocolate cyst, and the number of eggs is expected to decrease before surgery. In addition, patients who have not given birth yet and have a family history of early menopause can benefit from egg freezing to preserve fertility.


QUESTION: Is there an ideal age range for the method?

ANSWER: Assoc. Dr. Pointing out that age is an important factor in egg freezing, Cihan Kaya continues: “It is important for both egg number and egg quality that women who want to freeze eggs should have this procedure done before the age of 35. As the age progresses, the number of eggs obtained decreases and the chance of pregnancy decreases accordingly. Information about the benefit of this procedure is discussed, especially in patients aged 42 and over.


QUESTION: How many years can frozen eggs be stored?

ANSWER: According to the legislation of our country, eggs can be stored for up to 5 years with the consent of the patient. Although it is technically possible to store eggs for 5 years or more in this method, the approval of the Ministry of Health is required for the process after 5 years.

QUESTION: Does the freezing process harm the eggs?

ANSWER: Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Assoc. Dr. Cihan Kaya stated that there is no known harm in the egg freezing process in the ovaries and that the patients do not go into early menopause due to this process, “It is known that today, thanks to advanced freezing techniques, eggs can be stored for more than 10 years.” says.

QUESTION: Are babies healthy in pregnancies provided by egg freezing?

ANSWER: In studies on pregnancies obtained by egg freezing; It has been demonstrated that there is no increased risk of congenital anomalies compared to normal pregnancies. However, it is stated that there is a general risk of premature birth and ectopic pregnancy in IVF procedures.

QUESTION: What is the difference between egg freezing and embryo freezing?

ANSWER: In the egg freezing method, similar to the embryo freezing process, hormone drugs are given in order to mature the eggs, the eggs are followed and the eggs that reach a sufficient size are collected. Unlike embryo freezing, these eggs are combined with sperm. Embryos are frozen. Embryo transfer is also performed in a period when the couples and the uterus are suitable.

QUESTION: What is the success rate of egg freezing?

ANSWER: According to the results of large-scale studies; It is estimated that the survival rate of eggs after freezing and thawing is 90-97 percent, the rate of embryo formation after combining with sperm is 71-79 percent, and the rate of attachment of the embryo to the uterus is 17-41 percent. The pregnancy rate per egg previously frozen and thawed varies between 4.5 and 12 percent.
