is there a post-credits scene at the end of the film?

is there a post credits scene at the end of the

After Venom and the latest Spider-Man trilogy, Sony continues to develop its superhero universe with Morbius, released on March 30. Should we stay after the credits to discover one or more bonus scenes?

[Mis à jour le 30 mars 2022 à 10h24] This is one of the questions that arises with each release of superhero films in the cinema: is there a post-credits scene at the end of the film? It’s a habit that has become more popular with films from the Marvel universe in the cinema. Since then, we see them everywhere in action movies. Morbius is no exception to the rule. Daniel Espinosa’s film features not one but two post-credits scenes. One at the start and one at the end. Without giving too much away or spoiling anything, these two scenes are about a specific character in the Spider-Man universe that more or less points to the direction future films in the franchise will take afterward. If your interest is piqued, you will have to stay in the room until the end of the credits!

Synopsis of Morbius – Nobel Prize-winning chemist Michael Morbius has a rare blood disease. As he tries everything to survive, he discovers a solution made from bat blood that gives him superhuman abilities: speed, strength… The only problem is that he is subject to a very strong thirst for blood.

The first trailer for Morbius, unveiled on January 13, 2020, introduces the character of Morbius and his origins. The end of the trailer also seems to announce that Morbius is located in the same universe as Spider-Man Homecoming, Spider-Man Far From Home and Spider-Man No Way Home since it features Michael Keaton, who played the role of Vulture in the first Spider-Man movie starring Tom Holland. This film being linked to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, can we imagine that Morbius is also linked? And, eventually, will Venom also be connected to the others? marvel movies ?

On the casting side, it’s Jared Leto (Requiem for a dream, Suicide Squad) who was chosen to play the role of Michael Morbius. A specialist in physical transformations, the actor seems to have used his body to obtain a puny appearance worthy of Michael Morbius’ disease and then to take on a lot of muscles once he transformed into a superman. Leto is surrounded by Jared Harris, Adria Arjona and Matt Smith for this first Morbius film in which Michael Keaton seems to make at least one appearance.
