Is there a new war? Critical development in the hot region after the world-locked visit “Preparation for occupation”

Is there a new war Critical development in the hot

After the Russia-Ukraine war, the new focus of the whole world was the tension between China and Taiwan. While everyone was wondering if the critical developments were the footsteps of a new war, the military exercises carried out by China around the Island had raised the anxiety to the highest level. Another important statement regarding the hot region came. Taiwanese Foreign Minister Joseph Wu said in a statement that China’s military exercises are preparations for an invasion. Here are the details…


At the press conference, Minister Wu stated that the large-scale exercises that continue despite the previously announced 4-day period disrupt the activities on one of the busiest air and shipping routes in the Indo-Pacific region, harming regional peace and security, and condemning China for “acting irresponsibly.” “He blamed.

Expressing that Beijing has revealed its intention to dominate the Taiwan Strait and its surroundings by using Pelosi’s visit as an excuse, Wu said, “China is using the exercises to prepare for the invasion plan of Taiwan.” said.

Wu said that during the exercises, China crossed the nominal “middle line” that defines the de facto air and sea line between the parties, violating the long-accepted tacit consensus, and may try to make these actions commonplace in order to change the long-term status quo in the Taiwan Strait.


Pointing out that guided missiles were launched around the island during the exercises, and that China was openly trying to deter other countries from interfering with their attempt to invade Taiwan, Wu said, “Rehearsing the tactics to block access reveals China’s geo-strategic ambitions beyond Taiwan. China’s main intention behind the military exercises is to change the status quo in the Taiwan Strait and the entire region.” used his statements.

Expressing that China’s attitude towards Taiwan is only an excuse and that its main goal is to expand its influence beyond the Island, Wu urged all countries that defend freedom to unite to react to the spread of authoritarianism.

Wu said that Beijing aims to undermine the morale of the Taiwanese public through large-scale exercises, missile tests, cyber attacks, disinformation campaigns, economic sanctions and coercion.

“China’s attempts to intimidate Taiwan can neither panic nor defeat us. No one can take away freedom and democracy from Taiwan. These are values ​​ingrained in our DNA. Taiwan will protect its free and democratic way of life to the end.”


The visit of Pelosi and the congress delegation of 5 people with her last week drew the reaction of Beijing, which saw the island as part of its territory. After the visit on 2 and 3 August, China started military exercises around the island. The exercises, which were initially announced to be held on August 4-7, continue beyond the anticipated schedule.

Pelosi became the first Speaker of the US House of Representatives to visit the island, which is in a sovereignty conflict with China, in 25 years. Earlier in 1997, Newt Gingrich had visited Taiwan while on this mission.



After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) led by Mao Zedong seized power in 1949 and declared the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in the civil war that broke out after the Second World War in China, members of the Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintag) led by Chiang Kai-shek came to Taiwan. He settled in Turkey and declared independence, claiming that the “Republic of China” power, which was established in 1912, continued on the Island.

Although this initiative was not accepted by China, Taiwan representatives represented China in the United Nations (UN) General Assembly until 1971. In the 1950s and 1960s, Taiwan’s position in international organizations is uncertain, with the Beijing government being accepted as the sole legitimate representative of China in the UN General Assembly vote in 1971, after many countries changed their diplomatic relations preference from the Republic of China to the People’s Republic of China. had become.

The Beijing administration, adopting the “One China” principle, argues that Taiwan is part of its territory. In addition to its military presence in and around the Bosphorus, China opposes Taiwan’s establishing independent diplomatic relations with the countries of the world, its representation in the UN and other international organizations, and stipulates that the countries that recognize it should sever their diplomatic relations with Taiwan. (AA)
