Is there a Lisbeth Salander sequel? The author of the originals died, but after Conspiracy 3 more stories appeared and this is not the end

Is there a Lisbeth Salander sequel The author of the

The highly anticipated thriller Conspiracy was released in 2018. It was the second American film adaptation in Stieg Larsson’s Millennium series. Claire Foy played the hacker Lisbeth Salander. Even five years after its theatrical release, there is no sequel to the popular thriller series in sight. Is there another Lisbeth Salander film adaptation? The possibilities are definitely there.

No Lisbeth Salander sequel? Conspiracy flopped badly

Conspiracy restarted the series about Lisbeth Salander and continued to put the hacker in the foreground. Claire Foy replaced Rooney Mara, Sverrir Gudnason played journalist Mikael Blomquist after Daniel Craig.

But with the new cast, Conspiracy was unfortunately not a box office success. Unlike Blinding seven years earlier, the thriller failed to impress either with critics or at the box office. The budget of 43 million US dollars contrasted with a box office of 35 million. Delusion had brought in almost 300 million. At Moviepilot, conspiracy receives a rating of 5.7 points.

How things can continue after conspiracy: Stieg Larsson’s Millennium Verse is huge

The Swedish writer Stieg Larsson wrote the first three extremely successful novels, Infatuation, Damnation and Forgiveness. Unfortunately, he died in 2004, before the books were published. The series then continued without him, initially written by David Lagercrantz.

A whole new trilogy was released, beginning with conspiracy:

It is unlikely that this trilogy will continue in the cinema after the failed first attempt. However, the book series continued even after this trilogy. In 2022 Karin Smirnoff started the third Lisbeth Salander trilogy:

  • Part 1: Doom *
  • Part 2: unknown but announced
  • Part 3: unknown but announced
  • This new series would be the perfect opportunity to make another attempt in the Millennium universe. Because in this trilogy the main characters are Lisbeth Salander and Mikael Blomquist.

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