Is the nightmare coming back? Annoying coronavirus statement “Until the end of July…”

WHO announced the frightening development This is the reason

EMA officials held a press conference on the latest situation regarding Kovid-19 and vaccines. Marco Cavaleri, EMA’s official in charge of vaccine strategy, said that many countries in the EU are experiencing a new wave of Kovid-19 driven by highly contagious mutations of the omicron variant.


Stating that the BA.4 and BA.5 mutations are expected to become dominant across the continent, Cavaleri said, “They will probably replace all other variants by the end of July.” said.

Cavaleri reported that although there is no evidence that these variants make people sick more than previous strains of the virus, the increase in transmissions among the elderly is beginning to translate into serious illnesses.

Recalling that in April, the EMA recommended that people aged 80 and over take a second vaccine booster, Cavaleri said that in the EU, second booster doses are recommended for people aged 60-79 and “medically vulnerable people of all ages”.

“As this new wave spreads across the EU, it is essential to maintain the protection of vulnerable groups and prevent any delay in vaccination,” Cavaleri said. he said. (UAV)
