Is the most expensive German series of all time a grave for millions or a triumph?

Is the most expensive German series of all time a

The swarm is the most expensive German series of all time. The international co-production, in which the German ZDF was in charge, is said to cost around 40 million euros. The series is now running on television and is fully available in the ZDF media library.

The publication was accompanied by a lot of criticism. In the German feuilletons, the film adaptation of Frank Schätzing’s bestseller of the same name was received poorly to below average. Then the author himself commented negatively on the production. But is The Swarm really worth millions or is it better than its reputation? My colleague Esther Straw and I answer this question in the new episode of the Moviepilot podcast Streamgegefuehl.

Listen to the episode about The Swarm here:

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  • 00:03:00 – Is The Swarm worth it?
  • 00:47:31 – Spoiler part: what does the ending mean for the future of the series?
  • The crush is said to take on Hollywood productions

    In the podcast we explain why there are such high expectations of the science fiction series and whether it lives up to them. On the one hand, these expectations are due to the budget, but on the other hand, they are also due to the top-class personnel behind the camera, the famous template and the global storyline, which you rarely if ever see in a German series.

    What is the series about?

    Strange phenomena related to the sea are suddenly happening in different corners of the world: Schools of fish in the South Pacific off South America. Jellyfish in Venice. Whales attacking tourist boats in Canada. Shells that disable freighters. Lobsters unleashing disease in a French restaurant. Worms that burrow into methane fields.

    Scientists around the world (including Leonie Benesch, Joshua Odjick, Alexander Karim and Cécile de France) are watching the increasingly destructive animals with concern. In order to get to the bottom of the ecological threat, they have to pool their findings. But can it really be that exploited nature is now striking back? Are there intelligent beings in the depths of the uncharted oceans coordinating an attack?

    Such an action not only requires a large ensemble, but complex computer effects. You can find out in the podcast whether Der Schwarm meets its own requirements in this regard.

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