Is the Gears of War collection coming to PS5?

Is the Gears of War collection coming to PS5

It is claimed that a collection, which includes the first three games of the Gears of War series, will be released on PS5 and Xbox Series X | S platforms at the same time.

A series of Microsoft Gears of WarCan also exit for PlayStation. For a long time, rumors have been circulating in this direction, but a new claim argues that a collection containing the first three games of the series will start out at the same time for both the PS5 and Xbox Series X | S. If this happens, the Gears of War series will come to the PlayStation platform for the first time.

Claims about the Gears of War Collection

Extas1s, a well -known source of leakage, said the Gears of War Collection is currently being developed and will be published as a multiple platform when it is announced. It is stated that the collection will include the first three games of the series and offer cross -platform support. With this feature, PlayStation, Xbox and PC players will be able to play together.

Extas1s said he did not know when the collection was to be announced, but that this project is real with “strong evidence”. He also added that the Nintendo Switch version of the game has been developed yet.

This is not the first rumor that Gears of War will come to PlayStation platforms. In recent months, Windows Central writer Jez Corden claimed that Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, the Remasted state of the first game of the series, could come to PlayStation in 2025. However, this claim is not yet confirmed.

All this information about the Gears of War collection is considered a rumor for now, since there is no official explanation. However, this kind of news for PlayStation users is quite exciting. If the collection is real, PlayStation players may have the chance to experience the Gears of War series for the first time.

Microsoft and Sony are eagerly awaited how to make a statement on this issue. Gears of War’s arrival to PlayStation can be a big turning point in the game world. The eyes for official announcements are on both Xbox and PlayStation front.
