Is the film faithful to historical reality?

1670943968 Is the film faithful to historical reality

France 3 broadcasts “La Favorite” with Olivia Colman, Rachel Weisz and Emma Stone, this Monday, December 12, 2022. The feature film looks back on the end of the reign of Queen Anne of Great Britain.

[Mis à jour le 12 décembre 2022 à 20h45] The Favorite is one of the programs not to be missed on the tv program tonight. France 3 is broadcasting this film by Yorgos Lanthimos this Monday, December 12, 2022. Viewers can discover the story of Queen Ane of England, and especially the rivalry between her two favorites, Lady Sarah Churchill (Duchess of Marlborough) and Abigail Hill , now Abigail Masham. Know that the film is inspired by the real life of the English court at the time, but that the feature film takes liberties with historical reality to point the finger at the cruelty of society.

The director of The Favorite thus asked that the actors free themselves from their documentary research, in particular on the manners of the time. “There is a fundamental truth in the events and the general framework of the story, but the most important thing for us was to explore these female characters”, explained Yorgos Lanthimos when the film was released in 2019. But what is – what is true, what is false in the historical film ? Queen Anne, whose health was indeed very fragile, had two favourites: Lady Sarah (played by Rachel Weisz) since childhood, before she was ousted by Abigail Masham (Emma Stone). The wife of Prince George of Denmark was indeed particularly very close to Sarah at first, then Abigail, until the death of the monarch in 1714. But there is no historical evidence that confirms romantic and sexual relations. between these women. Moreover, it is not historically proven that Abigail tried to poison Lady Sarah in real life, contrary to what the film shows.

Synopsis – Beginning of the 18th century. England and France are at war. However, at court, the fashion was for duck races and pineapple tasting. Queen Anne, in fragile health and an unstable character, occupies the throne while her friend Lady Sarah rules the country in her place. When a new servant, Abigail Hill, arrives at court, Lady Sarah takes her under her wing, thinking she might be an ally. Abigail will see the opportunity to reconnect with her aristocratic roots. While the political stakes of the war absorb Sarah, Abigail manages to gain the confidence of the queen and becomes her new confidante. This budding friendship gives the young woman the opportunity to satisfy her ambitions, and she won’t let any man, woman, politician, or even a rabbit get in her way.
