According to several sources, the Chadian government has given instructions to airlines serving Ndjamena to prohibit them from boarding their planes with opponent Succès Masra, who plans to return to Chad soon. Radio silence on the government side for the moment, but he warns: “ the conditions for his return are not yet met “.
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According to part of the Chadian press and information from the airlines serving Ndjamena, the transitional authorities have given the latter instructions which formally prohibit them from taking on board their planes heading to Chad the opponent Succès Masra , who has set his return for October 18. To avoid any unpleasant surprises, the Civil Aviation Authority wrote to them at the start of the week to now require “ passenger manifests before takeoff of their flights to Ndjamena “.
Read alsoChadian opponent Succès Masra: “We have decided to return by October 20” to Ndjamena
The spokesperson for the transitional government neither confirmed nor denied this information. But Aziz Mahamat Saleh estimated that “ for the moment, nothing has been decided yet » regarding the return of Succès Masra. No return date would have been set because “ the conditions for his return are not yet met », Explains the Chadian minister. “ Indirect negotiations through the facilitation of ECCAS continue and in the meantime, measures are being taken to avoid disturbances to order “, he continued, without further details.
Success Masra says he is determined to return to Chad
“ If he says “I come to resume the fight as before”, as this led us to the drama of October 20, 2022, it is unacceptable », banged his fist on the table Minister Mahamat Saleh. “ The return must be organized and orderly; it must not lead to a disturbance of public order. “, he insisted.
For the transitional government, the ball is therefore in Succès Masra’s court. Issue, nor the international arrest warrant against him who leaked as if by chance after the announcement of his return, nor the arrest of more than 70 activists in Ndjamena or the ban on airlines taking him on board their planes, does not seem to moment to discourage the fierce opponent, who says he is determined to return to Chad next Wednesday.
Enough to further increase the tension between the two camps, a few days before the date announced for his return.