Is the cause of sudden young deaths Kovid-19? Professor Özkaya made important statements…

Is the cause of sudden young deaths Kovid 19 Professor Ozkaya

Ozkaya pointed out that most of the sudden deaths seen in young people in emergency services are caused by lung and cardiovascular diseases, the damage caused by Kovid-19’s vascular structure leads to these deaths, and the vaccines do not have any role, he said. Prof. Dr. Sevket Ozkaya, made statements.

“Corona virus caused vessel damage”

Chest Diseases Specialist Dr. Sevket Ozkaya, “Especially after the Kovid-19 Kovid-19 causes deteriorated vascular structure, heavy exercise and sport causes fatal heart attacks. Sudden increasing young deaths Kovid-19 vaccines, the corona virus was proven to be due to damage to the damage of the vascular virus,” he said.


Is the cause of sudden deaths caused by Kovid-19 vaccines or the effects of the corona virus?

Şevket Özkaya, “The most asked question all over the world, is the reason for these increasing sudden deaths KOVİD-19 vaccines or the effects of the corona virus? Damage on the inner wall of the vessel (Endotel) is the most important person of the body of the vessel (endothelium), which is the most important of the surgery. The first stage of clot formation is caused by the disease or the fatal results of our bodies. Especially after the Kovid-19 young people deteriorated vascular structure, heavy exercise and sports causes fatal heart attacks, “he said.


“Vaccines reduce the burden of virus in the human body during the epidemic period”

Prof. Dr. Şevket Özkaya said: “Vaccines, especially during the epidemic period, reducing the burden of virus in the human body, both the heavy passage of the disease and the blood plasma reduces this damn effect on the inner wall of the vascular. He was proven to be due to his damage, “he said.


