Beet Naturally, it maintains the balance of minerals in the bones thanks to components such as mineral silica, vitamin C, manganese, magnesium and prevents various disorders. Beet juice, also known as a super food among the people, is also a favorite of winter months with its various benefits and recipes.
Is the beet juice drink?
The water obtained from the red beet plant provides many benefits to the human body thanks to its components. It also helps to expand the blood vessels thanks to its nitric oxide content. Beet juice, which has benefits in many different issues, is also preferred by most people as a delicious drink.
With its vivid red color, lightweight sugar flavor and its rich content in terms of antioxidants, beet juice, which is a delicious and useful beverage, is a drink that can be supplied in various ways.
When to drink beet juice?
Beet juice, which can be consumed according to the taste of the palate at any time of the day, can also be drunk at the time and time intervals determined according to the lifestyles and order of people. For example, people who do sports consume beet juice according to sports schemes.
They can improve their physical performance by drinking 1 cup of beet juice about half an hour before starting sports. It is known that it would be healthier and more accurate to drink 1 cup immediately after lunch or 1 hour before dinner.
What are the benefits of beet juice?
The best known benefits of beet juice are:
- Brain Health Protection
- Energy
- Accelerating blood flow
- Immunity strengthening
- Alleviating muscle pain
How to make beet juice?
Beet juice can also be prepared at home. For this, the following materials need:
- 1 kilo beet
- Half a kilo purple carrot
- 4 grams of ginger or turmeric
- 150 grams of celery stalks
- 250 grams of lemon
Preparation is as follows:
- All vegetables are washed and peeled.
- Sliced.
- Pull into the robot and squeeze the water.