Is olive oil the best oil for health?

Is olive oil the best oil for health

Star of the kitchen, olive oil enjoys an excellent reputation. It is the health oil par excellence. But is it the best of all? Answers with Adélaïde d’Abboville, dietitian nutritionist.

I’olive oil occupies a place of choice in our cupboards. It is the star of the Mediterranean diet, designated as the best healthy diet by all nutrition experts. Its benefits have been the subject of numerous studies, and as a result it has undeniable health benefits.

It is excellent for our arteries because it lowers bad cholesterol. But that’s not all. It helps to fight against cardiovascular disorders or thrombosis. This oil is also full of polyphenols, antioxidants that slow down cell aging, and vitamins K (blood clotting and bone strength). Its vitamin E content helps maintain elastic skin. It also contains Omega 3, 6 and 9essential fatty acids that have many virtues: protection of the heart, the brain, among others.

Alternate with rapeseed and walnut oil

Faced with these many assets, one might be tempted to award it the palm of the best oil. But that’s a hasty shortcut. “Yes this oil is excellent for health because apart from Omega 3, 6 and 9, it contains vitamins A and B, as well as minerals such as calcium, sulfur, phosphorus, iron, manganese, confirms Adélaïde d’Abboville, dietitian nutritionist. However, it should be alternated with other oils and not used exclusively. The ideal is to supplement with rapeseed oil, walnut oil for example. Thus, we benefit from a range of different vitamins, minerals and fatty acids that will complement each other perfectly.

A caloric oil?

However, be careful, because it remains very caloric. “Olive oil is 100% fat, and a tablespoon is 90 calories. So two tablespoons a day and another 2 tablespoons of other vegetable oils is a good quota for fill it up with interesting nutrients”, recommends the dietitian.

Finally, you should know that it can be eaten raw or cooked, provided it does not exceed 160°. And you have to opt for those with the mention “first cold pressing“which guarantee the naturalness of the product, and therefore the preservation of nutrients of interest to health.

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