Is Knights of the Old Republic Remake Canceled?

Is Knights of the Old Republic Remake Canceled

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Remake, announced by Sony for PlayStation, is going through a difficult process due to licensing problems.

sony”Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic“It seems to be removing traces of the remake of the game (KOTOR). The company attributed the reason for this action to licensing issues. According to Sony’s statement to Kotaku, content containing licensed music is removed when the license expires. This situation explains why the remake of KOTOR Of course, it raises the question of whether the license for the trailer’s music was allowed to expire.

Is Knights of the Old Republic Remake Canceled?

In 2021, Sony announced the remake of the game “Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic” for PlayStation 5. However, during the following year, it was reported that the project experienced significant personnel departures and the development process continued indefinitely. Now, it has been observed that Sony has deleted the promotional trailer of this game and related tweets.

According to speculation, the reason for this may be the restructuring process experienced by Embracer Group, owner of Aspyr Media, the developer of the remake. Embracer Group entered a restructuring process after a major strategic partnership agreement failed to materialize. If this restructuring process affected Aspyr Media and thus the KOTOR remake, it is possible that the project was cancelled. However, this situation is still awaiting an official statement and is currently only at the level of speculation.
