Is Kaulitz & Kaulitz Season 2 coming to Netflix? There is already good and bad news

Is Kaulitz Kaulitz Season 2 coming to Netflix There

Following their popular podcast Kaulitz Hills, Tokio Hotel stars Bill and Tom give their first private insight into their life in Los Angeles in the Netflix series Kaulitz & Kaulitz. The twins have lived here since 2010, and were able to start a new life in Hollywood. In the Netflix format, fans can meet Bill and Tom’s mother on camera for the first time.

Since the reality series started a week ago, Kaulitz & Kaulitz has remained at the top of Netflix’s series charts. We’ll tell you, what the situation is with a second season after the first eight episodes.

Kaulitz & Kaulitz Season 2 is not official, but very likely

At this point in time, the streaming service has not yet commissioned a second season about the lives of the Tokio Hotel stars. However, anyone who has seen the finale of season 1 will have little doubt that the series will be renewed. Bill practically begs for a sequelwhich his brother also wants.

The stars themselves are ready to go straight away, so now all that’s left is for Netflix to get on board. However, due to the continued success in the series charts, the streamer will have little reason to turn down a second season of Kaulitz & Kaulitz.


Kaulitz & Kaulitz

When could Kaulitz & Kaulitz season 2 start on Netflix?

If Netflix orders further episodes, it will probably be a while before new material is collected from the turbulent everyday lives of the Tokio Hotel stars. After the twins were followed by cameras for eight months for the first season, a second season is likely to be sometime in mid to late 2025 start.

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