Is just brushing teeth enough? The invisible danger in the toothbrush

Is just brushing teeth enough The invisible danger in the

Dentist Can SAĞLAT, with whom we talked about the mistakes made about our dental health, said, “We all care about our teeth. But the reality is sustainable and healthy oral and dental health. As a result, the basic behavior that is important for beautiful smiles is to pay attention to dental hygiene.


Dentist Dentist Can Sağlat said, “It may take an average of twenty-twenty-five days for a correct behavior to become a habit. Appropriate and minor changes that we will make in our dental cleaning over time or updates that can be made in our brushing times will keep our flow alive. Our lively and hygienic cleaning habits allow us to achieve longer-term results in our oral and dental health. In recent years, the Covid-19 pandemic has also taught us that the basic behavior should be hygiene,” he says, and adds, “To protect from Covid-19 and stay healthy, we must apply the mask, distance and hygiene rule for our oral and dental health and ensure the hygiene of our toothbrush.”

He listed the things to be careful about protecting our oral and dental health and especially when brushing teeth:

1. The most important is the hygiene of the toothbrush

Are we all making the same mistake? Is the whole family’s toothbrushes always in one place? Consider your morning routine; You got up in the morning, you went into the toilet, you flushed, everything hanging in the toilet bowl spread around. Then we took our toothbrush and started the cleaning routine. Despite what has just been released into the air… If you share your bathroom with others, pay attention to the hygiene of your toothbrush. Prefer hygienic solutions for your toothbrush.

2. Do not brush your teeth for short periods of time

An average of two minutes is recommended for a brushing session with a brush and paste suitable for your mouth and tooth structure. Averages show that a person brushes teeth for only 40-50 seconds. Short-term brushing may not be enough for the fluoride in the paste to penetrate the tooth enamel. Use a timer while brushing and review your brushing routine.

3. Take care of tongue cleaning

Do not forget to clean your tongue to prevent bacterial growth and odor as well as your teeth. You can use hygienic apparatus for this. Tongue cleaners remove build-up bacteria from your tongue.


4. Update your brushing routine

Brush your teeth every day, starting in a different area. Thus, you can stay at the end and ensure that the skipped areas are brushed better.

5. At least twice

Brush your teeth at least twice a day using the appropriate brush and paste. Less or more than this can damage your mouth and teeth structure. Do not forget to consult your dentist to prevent this.

6. Renew the toothbrush at regular intervals

As a result of regular use, the life of a toothbrush is an average of two to three months. It is necessary to renew our toothbrushes after an average of two hundred uses. Do not forget to change your toothbrush on average every three months for hygiene.

7. Hygiene is important after the brushing routine

Do not rinse your mouth with water immediately after brushing. The effectiveness of fluoride in toothpaste, which is immediately combined with water, will decrease. Let the toothpaste stay in your mouth a little longer.

8. Use dental floss

Let flossing be an important routine for your oral and dental health. Use dental floss for areas where the toothbrush cannot reach and plaque formations that may occur between teeth.

9. Be careful when choosing a toothbrush

Brushes with very hard bristles can damage your mouth and gums. Use a toothbrush with soft or medium hard bristles that will suit your mouth and teeth. In this way, you will prevent damage to your tooth enamel.

10. Brush your teeth with proper motion

The right move is an oval shape routine. Circular movements are softer and more effective in cleaning the spaces between teeth. To brush the back of the front upper and lower teeth, hold the toothbrush vertically and use only the front half of the brush to brush these areas in soft, circular motions.
