Is it weakened by acupuncture? How to lose weight with acupuncture?

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Acupuncture, which is the traditional alternative medicine method of China, is also practiced in our country. It should be done in centers approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey and by experts in this field. It is an application that should not be preferred without consulting a doctor. If acupuncture is to be applied for pain problems, the procedure is applied to the areas where pain is experienced. Some people may also use acupuncture to quit smoking or lose weight. It is accepted that acupuncture, which is a method they can apply with the approval of their doctors, has some features that support weight loss.

Does acupuncture weaken?

Based on the doctor’s approval, the weight loss points of the person who will undergo acupuncture are first determined by acupuncture for the purpose of losing weight. Areas such as ears, knees and elbows, around the lips, ankles are shown as acupuncture points for weight loss. For the application to be made, these areas are treated. In the acupuncture treatment process, which will be applied to the person by experts beforehand, an acupuncture diet list is determined and a sports calendar is created. It is important for people who want to lose weight with the acupuncture method to follow this additional program under the supervision of a doctor. After losing weight with the application, healthy eating habits should be gained and maintained.

Acupuncture is also a preferred method for regional slimming. The procedure is performed by applying the application to the points determined in the area where weight is desired. People can put pressure on some acupuncture areas determined by experts as a weight loss method with acupuncture at home. These regions are around the lips, ear region, knee, elbow and ankle regions.

Does acupuncture speed up metabolism?

Those who want to lose weight with acupuncture should first consult a specialist doctor. Otherwise, there is a possibility of some side effects. These side effects vary from person to person. People with a sensitive body, people with chronic diseases, expectant mothers and people with allergic reactions should be more careful and should never resort to acupuncture method without consulting a doctor.

It is aimed to regulate the metabolism of people who want to lose weight and prefer to use acupuncture for this purpose. With the acupuncture application, different applications are made according to the age, body and even gender of the person who is applied. As long as all the directions made by the specialist are followed, acupuncture regulates the metabolism and makes it work faster. The given acupuncture diet should also be followed exactly. In addition, the application should be supported by the sports calendar recommended by the specialist doctor.

How much weight can be lost in 1 month with acupuncture?

It is extremely important to follow all directions for weight loss with acupuncture treatment applied with the approval of the doctor. In this way, it is aimed for the person to lose about eight or ten kilos in six or eight weeks. If more weight is required, the program is adjusted accordingly and the application continues. When the acupuncture process is applied to lose weight, it should be supported by the acupuncture diet and the recommended sports calendar. The acupuncture process for losing weight is progressing in line with the following goals:

  • Reducing one’s feeling of hunger and appetite
  • Preventing heartburn and heartburn
  • To prevent fatigue and fatigue that may occur while dieting
  • Again, to reduce the stress that may occur while dieting.
  • To ensure that the person’s metabolism works regularly
