Is it possible to take Smecta while pregnant?

Is it possible to take Smecta while pregnant

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    With the arrival of the cold, we often talk about the flu, the Covid or colds. A little less gastroenteritis, which nevertheless circulates a lot too. Can pregnant women take Smecta for treatment? We take stock of the issue.

    Caused by a virus, gastroenteritis gives diarrhea, vomiting, stomach aches, sometimes a fever and very often bedridden the sufferer. If you are pregnant, you are surely hesitant to take a treatment to relieve yourself, such as Smecta.

    What is Smecta?

    Medicine based on clays extracted from the ground, Smecta is a digestive dressing, which can be taken during episodes of diarrhea to cover the digestive mucosa.

    Can I take Smecta while pregnant?

    There is currently no study showing any danger of Smecta in pregnant women. Some doctors prescribe it, for a limited time intake, during gastroenteritis. The Reference Center on Teratogens (CRAT) does not advise against taking Smecta for women during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

    The National Agency for Medicines and Health Products (ANSM), on the other hand, is more cautious: it does not recommend the drug to pregnant or breastfeeding women because of the low quantity of natural heavy metals, such as lead, qu it can contain.

    On the leaflet of the drug, it is indicated that “the substances contained in this medicine (Smecta, editor’s note) are poorly absorbed. However, do not use it for prolonged periods during pregnancy or breastfeeding without consulting your doctor or pharmacist”.

    Natural alternatives to drugs

    Although it is available without a prescription in pharmacies, it is important not to self-medicate during pregnancy. In case of gastroenteritis, it is therefore better to consult your doctor who will be able to prescribe Smecta, if necessary.

    And if you prefer natural methods, you can drink rice cooking water, eat cooked bananas or carrots and remember to hydrate yourself well: gastroenteritis often only lasts two or three days.
