Is it possible to quit smoking with hypnosis? What is hypnosis smoking cessation therapy?

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Known as sleep state by most people and especially among the people, hypnosis actually aims to focus the person being treated. The general name of the treatments performed by applying hypnosis is hypnotherapy and it is used in many parts of the world. In general, hypnosis is used in the treatment processes of all disorders caused by psychological problems and traumas. However, such an application should not be preferred without the approval of a specialist doctor in this field. As with all alternative medicine methods, there is a possibility of side effects for hypnosis.

Is it possible to quit smoking with hypnosis?

Contrary to popular belief, the effect of hypnosis, which is not a sleep state but a focus state, on quitting smoking and getting rid of other addictions is expressed as a state related to the subconscious. Hypnosis is an application that aims to increase concentration by appealing to the subconscious of the person. People’s attention is drawn to a different point in the hypnosis session, and the person can perceive and answer the questions asked, contrary to what is generally known. A patient who is conscious gives the same reaction when he wants something done while he is not under hypnosis, and something he does not want under hypnosis.

Hypnosis, which is a method used to get rid of different fears, habits or situations such as self-confidence and anger control, is an application that aims to clear the subconscious of people by focusing on a certain point. Quitting smoking with hypnosis is also possible. Hypnosis can be preferred to get rid of various habits. Smoking is one of the addictions that hypnosis is known to be beneficial.

Smoking cessation treatment with hypnosis, which is accepted as a treatment method in many countries of the world, addresses the subconscious, which hypnosis has the authority to manage repetitive behaviors. With this aspect, it is also a method used to quit smoking. It is known that those treated with hypnosis carry the effect of this practice for a long time and the effects are permanent. It is said that people who are offered hypnosis to quit smoking can quit smoking if they have a predisposed body for hypnosis.

What is the method of quitting smoking with hypnosis?

Certain steps are applied in hypnosis to quit smoking. The number of sessions required varies depending on the person. First of all, it is extremely important that the person volunteers to practice hypnosis. If the person is prone to hypnosis, the application can be performed. It is said that it is possible to quit smoking with hypnosis in approximately and generally in a maximum of 6, at least 3 sessions. If necessary, additional treatments can be applied to the person who is hypnotized to quit smoking. With hypnotherapy, in which the hypnosis method is used, the person who has a smoking cessation session goes through certain stages after the session. These stages can be listed as follows:

  • Within about half an hour immediately after the session, the heartbeat regains a normal rate.
  • Warming is felt in the hands and feet.
  • The oxygen rate in the body returns to normal.
  • Approximately 48 hours after the session, an improvement in taste is seen in the person.
  • Within twelve weeks after hypnosis, blood circulation and lung functions return to normal.
  • After twelve months, the rate of possible problems to be experienced in the heart is seriously reduced.

If the hypnosis method is to be used to quit smoking, it is extremely important to consult a doctor before this application is made and that the application is performed by a specialist in this field. Otherwise, there is a possibility of serious irreversible consequences.
