Is it a coincidence that Haniye was killed in Iran? The much-talked-about ‘message’ detail: If Israel wanted…

Is it a coincidence that Haniye was killed in Iran

The crisis in the Middle East continues. Last night, new developments occurred that will add to the tension. A bomb attack took place in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, and then Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was killed by Israel. Although Israel has not yet claimed responsibility for the attack, statements from Hamas and Iran have confirmed this claim.

While critical developments were taking place, the US media also evaluated the latest developments and wrote about the events following the attack. While there was activity in the Mediterranean to defend Israel, striking statements were made about the attack being in Iran.

NTV’s US representative Hüseyin Günay made the following statement on the subject;

The US and British navies are currently in the Mediterranean, trying to reach the coasts of Israel and Lebanon.


In case of any counter-attack, these navies will defend Israel. Previously, the US and British navies have intercepted some rockets. The US media says that Israel is behind this attack. They say that the ceasefire talks with Hamas are about to come to an end.



There are also those who emphasize that Israel could not have done this without informing the US and receiving information. The US media says that Israel could have carried out this attack in Qatar or Dubai if it wanted to, but it was carried out in Iran deliberately. It sent a message to both Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran together with the US. Haniyeh’s last photo is with the Iranian President anyway.



The speech Netanyahu made in the US Congress surprised the whole world. US Senate members and House of Representatives members screamed and applauded Netanyahu for 5-6 minutes. It was an interesting image. The US media says that Netanyahu returned and carried out this assassination with the power he received from here.


For the US, the Ukraine war cost votes. However, victories against Hamas earn points for the incumbent president or the party of the presidential candidate in the domestic public opinion. The Biden administration coming out and making statements such as “We told you where Haniyeh was killed, we provided the information” will help the Biden administration gain points. In other words, it will benefit Harris. It is worth remembering that Kamala Harris has taken a distant stance with Netanyahu and was criticized by the Israeli lobby. The Biden administration may make a statement that will eliminate all this criticism. Tensions seem to be increasing in the region.
