Is Huawei Competing with Nvidia in the Artificial Intelligence Chip Field?

Is Huawei Competing with Nvidia in the Artificial Intelligence Chip

Huawei, which continues its work in the field of technology without slowing down under the American embargo, is also trying to stand out in terms of chipsets. As it is known, the top name in artificial intelligence chips is Nvidia and Huawei has started to do well with AI chips. According to the latest news, the brand managed to surpass Nvidia’s AI chip, which was released 4 years ago. This situation brings to mind that in the field of artificial intelligence chip Is Huawei competing with Nvidia? brought the question.

Is Huawei Competing with Nvidia in the Artificial Intelligence Chip Field?

Huawei is one of the largest technology companies worldwide. chinese company It has been trying to continue its activities under the US embargo for a long time, and America is increasing the restrictions day by day. In fact, it is trying to continue its activities, which may not be the right word because Huawei is achieving great things under these restrictions.

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Despite the adverse conditions chipsets Continuing its development activities, the company became a rival to Nvidia in this field. Nvidia’s artificial intelligence chips from 4 years ago and Huawei chips are competing in the domestic market, so much so that Nvidia had to reduce the prices of its H20 AI chips in order to stand out in this competition.

While Huawei was about to be eliminated from the chip industry for a while due to the embargoes in question, it got back on its feet with the support of China. Currently, Huawei is gaining ground in the AI ​​market with its innovative solutions. Nvidia alternative became. Huawei states that it is currently catching up with Nvidia.

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Huawei is Growing Fast

Huawei’s chip departments Ascend and Kunpeng chief Wang Tao made claims about some chip models. In this context, Tao states that the Ascend 910B chip performs 1/5 better than the Nvidia A100 chip. Recently, Huawei Nvidia H20 AI accelerator It was on the agenda that it would exceed its sales.

Huawei is doing really good work in this field, but the support of the Chinese government and the nationalistic feelings of the Chinese market should not be underestimated. In addition to these, of course, the US embargo is also a huge disadvantage. Chinese internet giants to support Huawei Tencent and Baidu has made major purchases from the brand.

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chinese market It has also adopted Huawei chips. The restrictions seem to have disturbed not only those involved in this business but also the majority of the Chinese people, because the growth in the chip field has occurred not only in Huawei but in all local chip manufacturers of Chinese origin.
