Homeopathy is known as an alternative medicine method, which approaches health in a holistic way and develops treatment for the solution of problems. The treatment that cures many diseases in countless areas can also be applied in infertility. Treatment with homeopathy is widely used in the problem of infertility. Its application and treatment process are wondered by many people.
Can you get pregnant with homeopathy?
Infertility has an intense psychological effect that can lead to anxiety, depression and stress disorder in many people. This directly affects fertility. Stress is known to be linked to infertility. Other factors in infertility include abnormal sperm production, ovulation problems, blocked ducts and certain diseases. Treatment methods such as drug therapy, surgical interventions or assisted reproductive technologies are applied in infertility. Homeopathy is one of the natural methods that can be applied in the treatment of infertility. Homeopathy, which is a holistic treatment, argues that spiritual, emotional and mental factors are interconnected. All factors are considered together during treatment.
Does homeopathy increase fertility?
In the treatment of infertility with homeopathy, it is aimed to get to the root of the problem and eliminate the cause of infertility. For example, if the problem is caused by hormones, hormone-regulating drugs are given during homeotherapy. With homeopathy, which has no side effects and is applied naturally, it seems possible to increase the probability of getting pregnant, that is, fertility. The aims of homeopathy sessions are as follows:
- Ovulation cycles are improved.
- Sperm count is increased and motility is improved.
- It frees from emotional blockages and negative thoughts that reduce and affect fertility.
- It improves the side effects of traditional treatment.
Infertility treatment varies from person to person. The causative agent is found and a personalized treatment process is applied. Homeopathy remedies for infertility can be listed as follows:
- sepia
- Sabina
- Silica
- aurum
- Phosphorus
- medorrhinum
- Natrum carb
- Agnus
- thyroidinum
- graphite
These treatments are started to be applied by experts in the field after the factors that cause infertility are determined. If the detection is done correctly and an effective treatment process is started, it is possible to get pregnant between six months and 2 years. Depending on the discomfort and the person, this process may be prolonged or shortened. Homeopathy remedies, that is, drugs and components, should be prepared and prescribed by a specialist. The person should not apply treatment or use medication on their own without the guidance of a specialist.