Is health security in decline?

Debate of the day

How are the food controls carried out?

Searches took place this Wednesday, April 13, in a Buitoni factory in northern France and at the headquarters of its owner Nestlé. The reason: the discovery, a few weeks ago, of pizzas contaminated with E. coli bacteria and which caused the death of two children. Two other health scandals have since erupted: Kinder chocolates infected with salmonella and products from Fromageries de Normandie (Lactalis), potentially contaminated with listeria.

Where are the malfunctions? How are the food controls carried out? How to explain such a sequence at a time when traceability seems to be strengthening and where a culture of eating well is developing?

To discuss it :

  • Karine Jacquemartdirector of foodWatch.
  • Pierre-Etienne Bouillotlecturer at AgroParisTech, specialist in food safety law.
  • Eric Oswald, professor of bacteriology in Toulouse, deputy director of the Digestive Health Research Institute of Inserm.

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