Is Generation Z becoming myopic? Cases increased by 50%! Here’s what to do

Is Generation Z becoming myopic Cases increased by 50 Heres

Research showing that myopia cases are rapidly increasing among Generation Z once again reveals how important it is to protect eye health. Research reveals that myopia cases worldwide have increased by 50% in recent years.


While young people, called generation Z, benefit from the benefits of technology, their eyesight is also deteriorating. Myopia cases have increased by approximately 50% worldwide in the last 30 years.

Especially spending long periods of time with smartphones, tablets and computers can have serious effects on the eyes. You can prevent this situation with these simple solutions.


First, you can protect your eyes by using blue light filters for smartphones and computers.


In addition to blue light filters, limiting the time spent with digital screens on a daily basis and taking breaks at regular intervals will be of great benefit to protecting your eye health.


Finally, encourage the habit of spending time outdoors. Exercising outdoors or going for nature walks can improve your eye health. In addition to these items, being examined by an ophthalmologist will also help you protect your eye health.

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