Is from the DRC: “The strength of Qatar is to be considered a mediator who has no hidden agenda”

Is from the DRC The strength of Qatar is to

To everyone’s surprise, the Rwandan and Congolese presidents met on Tuesday, March 18 under the aegis of the Emir of Qatar to evoke the situation in the east of the DRC, where Kigali supports the rebellion of the AFC/m23. If the question is now whether the ceasefire, in favor of which the two leaders have reaffirmed their commitment, will result in the fact, the meeting was also an opportunity for the emirate to sign a diplomatic blow. According to Benjamin Augé, associate researcher at the Sub -Saharan Africa Center of the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI), Doha owes it among other things to the good relations he has both with Rwanda and with the DRC. Interview.
