Is France right or left?

The urgency of drafting the 2025 finance bill puts pressure

More and more French people are right-wing, but those who claim to be left-wing are increasingly proud of it. This is what emerges from the annual barometer of Humanity with Ifop published at the end of last week. After legislative elections marked by the victory of the extreme right in the first round and that of the left in the second, where do the French stand? Why do we tend to place France on the right? How are the political values ​​of a population expressed?

To discuss it :

– Hervé Le Bras, historian and demographer, director of studies at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS), author of the Atlas of Inequalities, (Autrement-Flammarion editions)

– Claire Thoury, sociologist, president of the Associative Movement, member of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE)

– Vincent Tiberj, professor of political sociology at Sciences Po Bordeaux and researcher at the Emile-Durkheim Center, author of The French Rightward Shift: Myth and Realitys, published by Presses Universitaires de France (PUF).
