“Too flexible”, “aberration”, “strict” … so many words in public debate to designate the law of the soil in France. But what about really, compared to our Italian, Spanish or German neighbors? To attribute its nationality, France historically used blood law. But the context of the 19th century when the country absolutely wanted everyone on its territory to participate in wars and joined its army brought in French law a new concept: soil law.
Today, France therefore uses “a right mixture of the soil and blood law”, notes Virginie Guiraudon, specialist in European migration. This system rightly inspired a number of European countries in the 1980s, but some, like Switzerland, have moved considerably.
The question of naturalizations is just as important. France recorded 39,721 in 2023, the lowest level of the 21st century. France’s policy is “increasingly restrictive”, continues Virginie Guiraudon, who sees here a European trend. Its analysis is to be found in our long format, to look on our site, and all our social networks.