Is Blind Spot worth it and who are the commissioners?

Is Blind Spot worth it and who are the commissioners

There’s a new Tatort episode on ARD tonight that you shouldn’t miss. The well-rehearsed team of Grandjean and Ott investigates a brutal triple murder in which only one young witness survived. We answer all questions about today’s crime scene.

Find out in this article:

  • The Plot: What is Crime Scene: Blind Spot about?
  • The Commissioners: Who is investigating the crime scene on September 24, 2023?
  • The City: Where plays Crime scene: blind spot?
  • The criticism: Is the crime scene worth it today?
  • The Repetitions: What broadcast dates are there?
  • What is the crime scene on September 24, 2023 about?

    The most important things about the Blind Spot crime scene in brief: Detectives Isabelle Grandjean and Tessa Ott investigate a gruesome triple murder in the Zurich Oberland. The three victims were shot in the head, including the parents of six-year-old Ella, who survived the attack and hid at the scene for hours.

    ARD Degeto/SRF / Sava Hlavacek

    The witness Ella

    More plot details: Investigators discover a connection between the murder and a start-up called Protected View, which has developed facial recognition software. An investor wanted to sell the company, which was met with resistance. In addition, the killed men were members of a criminal group from the Bosnian War. A former member of this group, Lars Diemer, is suspected.

    When the perpetrator finds out about Ella’s survival, she is in danger again. The investigators are faced with the question of whether Diemer was behind the murder and whether the crime was the result of a long-standing feud between the members of the criminal group.

    Good reviews: Is the crime scene worth it today?

    Yes, it’s worth turning on Tatort: ​​Blind Spot. The reviews range from “very good” to “solid” in the most negative case. The star describes today’s crime scene as “classic and exciting whodunit crime thriller with elements reminiscent of science fiction”. SWR3 only criticizes the many topics that the crime thriller brings up. This makes it difficult to keep track.

    Today’s inspector team: Who are the actresses in Blind Spot?

    ARD Degeto/SRF / Sava Hlavacek

    The crime scene investigators Grandjean and Ott

    The Grandjean and Ott team have been investigating in Zurich since October 2020, almost three years. The inspectors are played by Anna Pieri Zuercher (as Isabelle Grandjean) and Carol Schuler (as Tessa Ott). The team is characterized by its extremely high level of professionalism and competence. In addition to the police school, Grandjean studied law at a distance learning university. Schuler, in turn, specialized in profiling. Blind Spot is the sixth case that Grandjean and Ott solve together.

    State and city: Where does Tatort: ​​Blinder Spot take place?

    The crime scene today comes from Switzerland. The team Grandjean and Ott investigate in the wealthy city of Zurich. Grandjean and Ott replaced the former Swiss crime scene team Liz Ritschard (Delia Mayer) and Reto Flückiger (Stefan Gubser). Ritschard investigated from 2012 to 2019, Flückinger from 2011 to 2019.

    On the subject:

    Broadcast dates for Blinder Spot: repeats and media library

    Tatort: ​​Blinder Fleck is available for TV broadcast in the ARD media library. The station will broadcast the crime thriller on TV for the first time on Sunday, September 24th at 8:15 p.m. The crime thriller will be repeated on September 24th at 9:45 p.m. on ONE. There will be another repeat on September 26th at 1:15 a.m. on ARD:

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    70 times CSI per week and Germany’s Next Top Model at prime time: German free TV is at its lowest point and still can’t be killed. We discuss why this is the case in the Moviepilot podcast Streamgear:

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