Is Amazon finally opening the door to EPUB format on its Kindle e-readers?

Is Amazon finally opening the door to EPUB format on

We would be tempted to say “finally”! As the specialized site reports, Amazon will, later this year, offer support for EPUB files on its Kindle readers.

While all e-readers on the market and most digital book sales platforms rely on EPUB, Amazon had so far refused to hear about it on its Kindle, the most popular e-reader. popular in the market. A way for him to defend his proprietary file formats (AZW, KFX…) and above all to lock his customers into his ecosystem.

The end of an era, the witness of a sudden opening of the e-commerce giant? Not really, that would be too good: Amazon is only opening the door to the famous file format. Because to enjoy your books in EPUB format on Kindle, you will have to go through the “send to Kindle” function. A little-known, but very practical tool, which allows you to transfer compatible files to the reader via the Internet, by means of an email or an application.

This is not native EPUB media

No, it will still be impossible to simply “drag and drop” an EPUB file on a Kindle from your computer, for example. To do this, you will always have to use dedicated software, such as the excellent (and free) Caliber. In reality, as points out, Amazon will simply convert the EPUB in the cloud to its own AZW3 format when you use “send to Kindle”. Native support for the EPUB format is not for tomorrow.

At the same time, and this is perhaps more significant, Amazon will cut support for .MOBI, its “historic” format, which it adopted after the takeover of the French company Mobipocket, a pioneer in digital reading. And whose technologies have largely contributed to designing the Kindle platform.

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