Iryo tickets are on sale on Trenitalia channels

Iryo tickets are on sale on Trenitalia channels

(Finance) – From today it will be possible to purchase on the sales channels of Trenitalialeading company of the Passenger Hub of the FS Group, travel on trains iryo – the Spanish company owned by Trenitalia. This first important result at European level will allow travelers to purchase, in a single solution, a trip to Europe with multiple transport companies. Anyone who, for example, would like to purchase a ticket for a trip to Italy and one of the routes served by iryo, such as Barcelona – Madrid, thanks to the online OSDM model, will be able to do so through all Trenitalia sales channels.

The purchase is possible thanks to the adoption of OSDM standard online (Open Sales Distribution Model), created to simplify the process reservation of train travel and facilitate the distribution of tickets. The new online OSDM standard, based on API (application programming interface) technology, that is, a set of definitions and protocols for creating and integrating applications, allows two international sales software to communicate in real time. There standardization of distribution processes and interfaces, in addition to the advantages already described, allow the distribution of a complete intermodal offer, at the best price, in real time, even at a national level, to encourage people to travel in a sustainable manner.

The adoption of the online OSDM by the European railway companies that join the UIC (Union Internationale des Chemins de fer), including Trenitalia, is part of one of the objectives of the “Ticketing Road map”, presented by the CER (Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies), which provides, by 2025, integrated digital tickets for train travel, which can be purchased from multiple channels.
