Irritation in debate about sports complex Merwestein in Nieuwegein: ‘I want the alderman to answer’

Irritation in debate about sports complex Merwestein in Nieuwegein I

What should happen to Merwestein?

There is a plan for a large-scale renovation of Merwestein. It is the largest sports complex in Nieuwegein, in the center of the city, and is about forty years old. According to the director of Merwestein, part of the Connection, a maximum of fifty million euros is needed for this. In order to get a loan from the bank, the municipality would have to act as a guarantor.

If the plans go ahead, Merwestein will get an extra sports hall, so-called ‘dry areas’ such as the entrance, changing rooms and catering will be replaced, the swimming pools will receive major maintenance and the entire building will be made more sustainable. Director Ton Bothoff previously said: “We have to prepare for the future.”
