Iron Man and Wolverine may return

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Marvel’s big leak says it will bring back previously deceased heroes like Iron Man and Wolverine.

Robert Downey Jr’s return to Iron Man and Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine return could be Marvel Studios Phases 5 and 6, previously leaked by MyTimeToShineHello, which has also leaked other information. The leaks you will read are spoilers and seem to be just theory for now.

Robert Downey Jr and Hugh Jackman’s return to their old roles could happen

MyTimeToShineHello has previously disclosed various information from the movie industry and these have also come true. For this reason, although we cannot fully trust the information, we can keep it at some point in our minds. That’s when they previously announced Liv Tyler as Betty Ross in Incredible Hulk, Tim Roth’s remake of Abomination in She-Hulk, and Tim Blake Nelson’s appearance in Captain America: New World Order. We can also think about the accuracy of the information.

Deadpool 3 is being filmed as a sequel to Deadpool 2. Wade and Cable will use the time machine to travel to the future to save Wolverine from death. Logan doesn’t know who came to save him, but he will somehow leave with them. There is a very subtle point here about the other series of the MCU, which is that this change in time will put them on TVA’s radar.

We know that Iron Man died in Avengers Endgame, but given the time travel and multiverse in the MCU, there’s always a chance for him to return. There are rumors that he will appear in front of the camera as variants in Avengers Secret Wars. In the leak, “RDJ is back baby (Definitely there was some talk for Secret Wars and a scene in Armor Wars).” There was an explanation.
