Iris Mittenaere, sexy, dares the total varnished look

Iris Mittenaere sexy dares the total varnished look

Iris Mittenaere shared pictures of her looks worn during the Coachella festival on the weekend of April 15, 2022. From the Matrix style to the cowgirl outfit, the former Miss France has it all!

Often noticed for her studied looks, Iris Mittenaère never ceases to amaze us! This time it’s at the music festival Coachella, in California, that the former Miss France has struck again. While the event, which takes place on the weekends between April 15 and 24, 2022, has become famous for its light outfits based on miniskirts, knit dresses and fringed shorts, the model has decided otherwise.

Far from folk looks of the festival, she opted for a total patent look sign Sovaye, a brand launched in 2020 by designer Jessica Kovacs. Consisting of a black bandeau top at 78.99 euros and pants of the same color at 147.99 euros, this look seemed straight out of the blockbuster Matrixcontrasted by the handbag Balaclava pastel pink Balenciaga. Verdict: once again, Iris Mittanaere dare and the result is great!

Cowgirl style

All weekend, the fashionista multiplied the faultless shots with really stylish outfits. As proof, on the last day of the event, she was dressed in a top crystal swimsuit, a white tied shirt and low rise jeans. Without forgetting the accessories, a pair of cowboy boots and one Stetson style hat.

Let the panoply of ultra sexy cowgirla look totally in the mood from Coachella! And this year again, the inspiration western was omnipresent during the festival which takes place in the arid valley of Palm Springs. Paola Locatelli, Clara Berry, Annarvr… The it girls of the moment have all scoured outdoor concerts dressed in fringes, printed wild or long crochet dresses. We take our hat.
