Iris Mittenaere files a complaint for domestic violence: why do women often hesitate to do so?

Iris Mittenaere files a complaint for domestic violence why do

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    in collaboration with

    Johanna Rozenblum (clinical psychologist)

    On Wednesday, the media told us that the former Miss France Iris Mittenaere was filing a complaint against her new companion Bruno Pelat for domestic violence. A decision which, it seems, was not easy for the young woman. Why is it often difficult to take the plunge? Johanna Rozenblum, clinical psychologist, enlightens us.

    On Wednesday, the former Miss France Iris Mittenaere filed a complaint against Bruno Pelat, her companion since last summer, for domestic violence. A courageous decision, whether you are a public figure or not.

    A case of violence reported on a digital platform

    The facts denounced by the former Miss France were reported via the digital victim support platform, and took place on the night of September 23 to 24 at the defendant’s home, according to the prosecution.

    The ex-miss then appeared the next day at Fashion Week, with a splint on her wrist, raising several questions. From what we know, the alleged perpetrator of the violence is Bruno Pelat, 22, son of a businessman specializing in real estate, and companion of Iris Mittenaere since this summer.

    The complaint of the 31-year-old young woman was taken seriously: placed in police custody on Thursday, Bruno Pelat was to be brought before the Paris public prosecutor this morning before his immediate appearance before the criminal court for “domestic violence without ITT” and “illicit use of narcotics”.

    Complaints increase but difficulty remains the same

    This affair could also have remained secret: according to information from Le Parisien, the beauty queen did not wish to file a complaint… but would have changed her mind, to assert her rights.

    Filing a complaint for violence today still remains a difficult step, which many women give up, as the consequences can seem insurmountable.

    “The subject of Iris Mittenaere is one that all women victims of violence : the fear of reprisals from the spouse, the fear of not being believed, of not being heard when the complaint is filed by the OPJ, the fear of being considered as being partly responsible for what happens to us, that is what which runs through the heads of the victims” explains psychologist Johanna Rozenblum.

    Judgment is also and above all what makes these women hesitate:

    “Today, with what we see from the Mazan trial for example, we can also add the fear of seeing a harmful defense which will call into question the victim’s word, if the case must go further. We are still in front of a society which has difficulty understanding that a woman who has chosen her partner or chosen her husband can also be a victim of this man.”

    Complaining, an important act for oneself and for others

    However, more and more women have chosen to go through the doors of a gendarmerie today to denounce the violence of which they are victims. An act that is not insignificant.

    “We can still remember that violence, whether it involves harassment, physical or sexual violence, is an offense. Justice is also made for that, impunity must end and women do not have to continually suffer the violence of men who seek to subjugate them.

    File a complaint, leave, don’t give up… These are important acts for your own reconstruction.

    “It is also a message sent to new generations and to those men who think they can dominate their partners or women in general,” adds our psychologist, to encourage victims who are still hesitant.

    The message seems to be getting through and women are raising their voices a little more: more than 244,000 victims of domestic violence filed complaints in 2022, a figure up 15% compared to 2021 and which has even doubled compared to 2016. Remains a obstacle which still silences some: according to the latest figures (2021), only 36% of domestic violence cases in France gave rise to prosecutions. This makes more than 6 out of 10 which were dismissed.
