(Finance) – “It is necessary to start a process of reindustrialisation of the country to obtain a competitive advantage, which increases national production and reduce emissions. ” Luca Dal Fabbropresident of Iren groupduring the Lectio Magistralis Organized in Rome by the political school “Living in the community”.
“THE’circular economy and the regeneration The materials are important pillars of this path, considering that Europe still depends 100% from China for critical materials and 80% of the lithium present in electric vehicles and batteries comes from a single country “, he added
“In the past the Green Deal He pushed almost solely on the room factor. The task now has Europe is being able to promote policies that know how to combine the safety energy and the competitiveness of companies with sustainability – continued by the blacksmith -. It is necessary to go back to talking more about renewables and plan heavy investments on networks and infrastructures. Produce energy renewables Today it is much more convenient than many years ago but we still have to work on the networks and storage networks. Only in this way can we guarantee an energy system that is truly profitable for businesses “