Iren, closing of investment agreement in Egea expected on August 1st

Iren closing of investment agreement in Egea expected on August

(Finance) – Irene communicates with a note that the closing of the investment agreement in Egea is expected on 1 August, after the main conditions precedent set out in the agreement have been resolved.

In detail, explains Iren, the Sixth Civil Section – Insolvency Procedures of the Court of Turin published today the approval provision relating to the debt restructuring agreements concluded by EGEA Spa, EGEA PT and EGEA Commerciale with their financial creditors, the its bondholders and its suppliers, as well as the tax transaction proposals formulated to the Revenue Agency and the Customs and Monopolies Agency.

On June 26, the Antitrust authorization arrived, following the green light from the golden power on April 23.

Finally – concludes Iren – “the consolidated results referring to the perimeter covered by the operation highlight compliance with the contractually indicated adjusted net financial position”.
