Iraq threatens to break diplomatic ties with Sweden if the Koran is burned

Iraq threatens to break diplomatic ties with Sweden if the
The expert: “Can spread” • The police gather their strength

Updated 12:38 | Posted 12:37 p.m

Iraq threatens to break diplomatic ties with Sweden if the Koran is burned again.

Ahead of the Koran burning outside the country’s embassy in Stockholm today, the police have called in 130 police officers, according to information given to Aftonbladet.

– There will be many, or a number of police officers, says Ola Österling, police spokesperson.

The threat to cut ties with Sweden in the event of another Koran burning comes from the highest place – Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, Reuters and AFP report.

“The Iraqi government has informed the Swedish government via diplomatic channels that any recurring event involving the burning of the Holy Koran on Swedish soil would lead to the breaking of diplomatic relations,” reads a statement from the prime minister’s office.

“Can spread”

The Iraqi escalation could have serious consequences, say several experts.

– This could potentially spread to other countries, not that they cut ties with Sweden, but that they mobilize against Sweden. This is a serious first indication that this is getting serious. The important thing now is that this does not spread to other countries, says terrorism researcher Magnus Ranstorp to TT.

The news comes the day after the storming of the Swedish embassy in Baghdad – and just hours before a new Koran burning is planned outside the Iraqi embassy in Stockholm.

Details: Called in 130 police officers

According to information to Aftonbladet, the police wanted to bring in 130 police officers to the demonstration, but have had difficulty getting that number together.

– There will be many, or a number of police officers, says Ola Österling, but does not want to go into detail about how many.

According to him, one follows how the world situation, which includes the development of the last 24 hours, can affect the afternoon gathering.

So far, nothing has caused the police to change the conditions.

– So far, nothing in the world situation has caused us to change the demonstration permit, says police spokesperson Ola Österling.

– We adhere to the Swedish constitution, he says.

At the same time, the police are prepared for reactions from counter-demonstrators.

– We will also take height for counter-demonstrators, says the police’s Ola Österling.
