Iranian security forces opened fire as thousands of people gathered to mourn Mahsa Amin

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Demonstrations against the old regime have continued in Iran for weeks. Thousands of people gathered in Mahsa Amin’s hometown on the 40th anniversary of his death.

11:56•Updated 12:34

Iranian security forces clashed with thousands of protesters who gathered on Wednesday Mahsa Aminin hometown Saqqez 40 days after his death.

Demonstrations against the Islamic conservative regime have continued in Iran for weeks since 22-year-old Amini died after being arrested by chastity police for wearing a hijab incorrectly.

On Wednesday, Iranian security forces opened fire on protesters in the city of Saqqez, reports news agency AFP.

AFP bases its information on video footage and information it receives from human rights organizations.

An attempt was made to block access to the internet

Iranian security forces had previously banned gatherings and prepared for a memorial service and demonstration in Amin’s hometown.

– The security forces fired tear gas and opened fire on people in the square in Saqqez, the Hengaw human rights group says.

Hengaw is a Norwegian group that monitors human rights abuses in the Kurdish regions of Iran. It said more than 50 civilians were injured in the shootings across Saqqez, which is located in the Western Kurdistan province. There is currently no information on the possible number of dead.

The Guardian (you are switching to another service) says that eyewitnesses have confirmed the security forces’ shots. According to the Iranian government, the security forces had to respond to the riots.

Iran later tried to block internet access in the region.

The 40th day after a death traditionally marks the end of mourning in Iran. According to the Guardian, the demonstrators had been urged to take over the streets because of this, and the call was answered in Tehran, Isfahan and Mashhad, among others.

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