Iranian rapper Toomaj risks execution

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The Iranian rapper Toomaj was born in 1990 in Iran and is best known for his protest songs about Iran’s social issues and politics. One of his most played songs is about the prisoners in the famous Evin prison, in which he himself is imprisoned now and where he risks execution.

TV4 Nyheterna has spoken to Toomaj’s uncle, Eghbal Eghbali, who lives in Germany. He says that they haven’t heard anything since Toomaj was arrested on October 30.

– He wanted to be the voice of the people. He wanted to be a voice for the fight and freedom, says Eghbal Eghbali about Toomaj. His crime is that he is a poet and an artist.

Wants the outside world’s help

Now the uncle is appealing for help from the outside world to help Toomaj avoid the death penalty in Iran.

– We expect Sweden, Europe and everyone who believes in human rights to defend Toomaj’s right to a lawyer and a public trial.
