Iranian actress Taraneh Alidoosti poses without a veil

Iranian actress Taraneh Alidoosti poses without a veil

For almost two months now, the protest movement against the regime has continued, supported by many Iranian celebrities such as actress Taraneh Alidoosti who published a photo of herself without a veil.

Taraneh Alidoosti is a well-known actress in Iran. She appears in many of director Asghar Farhadi’s films, and on Instagram, she is followed by nearly 8 million people. In her biography, the 30-year-old presents herself as an actress but also a feminist. And on the platform, she has repeatedly shown her support for women and the ongoing protest movement.

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His latest gesture is a form of direct challenge to the regime. On Wednesday evening, she posted a photo of herself unveiled, with her long hair let down, falling over her shoulders and holding a sign in her hands that read ” woman, life, freedom “, the slogan of this protest, in Kurdish, the language of the community of Mahsa Amini.

As early as September 16, the day of the young woman’s death, she believed that Mahsa Amini, who died three days after her arrest for wearing the Islamic veil improperly, had died “ without having done anything “. And she called on her subscribers to say her name and tell her story.

Last weekend, she wrote a message in which she claimed, ” to have inherited this courage from the women of (his) country and asserted that she would not leave Iran. ” I will stay with the families of prisoners and murdered “, she wrote, saying she was ready” to pay the price necessary to defend (one’s) rights “.

► To read also: Iran: “Today, the religious institution is extremely divided”

Tehran issues warning to Saudi Arabia

Iran sends warning to Saudi Arabia. Tehran accuses its big regional rival of being behind the ongoing protest movement. “ The Islamic Republic of Iran has so far adopted strategic patience but it cannot guarantee that it will maintain this strategic patience if hostilities against it continue. “Said the Iranian Minister of Intelligence as protests in Iran have been daily since September 16 and the death of Mahsa Amini after her arrest for wearing the veil improperly.

I would like to say to Saudi Arabia that our destiny and that of other countries in the region are linked to each other because of our neighborhood “Said Iranian Intelligence Minister Esmail Khatib, quoted by the Khamenei.IR site. ” For Iran, any instability in the countries of the region is contagious, and any instability in Iran can be contagious for the countries of the region “, he said.

On Wednesday, a strike movement was observed in several cities, notably in Kurdistan, to mark the fortieth day after the “ black friday by Zahedan. More than 90 people had been killed in a single day in the capital of the province of Sistan-Balochistan.

(with AFP)
