Iran: Swedish citizen arrested for espionage

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“The Ministry of Intelligence states that a citizen of Sweden has been arrested for espionage,” the authority writes in a message, reports the state-controlled news agency Irna.

According to the statement, the person has had contact with others in Iran and visited Israel, Iran’s arch-enemy, AP writes.

In May, several Swedish media reported that a man in his 30s had been detained in Iran. The information about the man was then confirmed by the Swedish Foreign Ministry. It is still unclear if today’s statement is about the Swede who was arrested in May or if it is a new person.

Iran never reported the arrest in May.

Relations between Iran and Sweden are strained following the verdict against Iranian citizen Hamid Noury, who was recently convicted in the Stockholm District Court for murder and crimes against international law.

SVT has asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to come back with a comment.
