Iran: “Negotiations with Saudi Arabia Restarted”

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Iran’s semi-official Nur news site reported that the rival powers of the Middle East, Iran and Saudi Arabia, have resumed negotiations. The negotiations, which started in Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, were suspended in March.

Riyadh cut off diplomatic relations with Tehran in 2016 after Iranian protesters stormed the Saudi embassy in Tehran over the execution of a Shiite cleric in Saudi Arabia.

The executed Shiite cleric Nimr al-Nimr was one of the critics of the Saudi royal family. The executions were condemned by many countries, including the United States.

Saudi Arabia and Iraq have yet to confirm the resumption of talks.

Nur news website affiliated with the Supreme National Security Council of Iran said, “The positive last meeting has increased the hopes that steps will be taken for the resumption of relations between the two countries.” The news site did not disclose when the fifth round of negotiations took place.

Iran suspended the talks in March without giving reasons amid expectations that a new round of negotiations would begin.

However, Iran’s decision came after Saudi Arabia executed 81 people in its first major mass execution in a long time. Tehran condemned the executions, which allegedly included 41 Shiite Muslims.

Saudi Arabia with a predominantly Sunni population and Iran with a Shiite population are also parties to the proxy wars in the Middle East. The two countries began direct talks last year to try to contain tensions.

Riyadh and Tehran have been supporting opposing sides in regional conflicts and political disputes in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq for years. Saudi Arabia has led the Arab coalition that has waged war against the Iran-linked Houthi movement in Yemen since 2015.
